Market Analysis & Trends

PAYGo Market Attractiveness Index 2019

  PAYGo MARKET ATTRACTIVENESS INDEX (2019) Lighting Global has released the 2019 version of the Pay-As-You-Go Market Attractiveness Index (PAYGo MAI) for 24 countries across Sub Saharan Africa and Asia. …Read More

Sales & Impact Data Report H2 2018

Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report Every six months,  Lighting Global and GOGLA publish the Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report, a market intelligence series on sales and impact of off-grid solar …Read More

Togo Off-Grid Solar Market Assessment

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) commissioned a new study to assess off-grid energy market in Togo, focused on solar lanterns and solar home systems, providing public and private sector actors …Read More

Technical Guides for the KPI Framework

The KPI Framework seeks to improve information flow between investors and companies in the PAYGo industry by establishing standardized definitions and reporting standards. The KPIs are not designed to replace …Read More