
Procurement of Stand-alone Solar Kits for Humanitarian Aid

30 October 2018 |

This Technical Note provides guidance on procuring pico-solar and solar home system (SHS) kits for humanitarian aid. It presents the relevance of the Lighting Global Quality Standards, key procurement considerations, ...Read More

H1 2018 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report

25 October 2018 |

Every six months, Lighting Global and GOGLA  publish the Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report. The market intelligence series is based on sales data collected from GOGLA members and Lighting Global ...Read More

Upcoming Pico-PV Quality Standards – To be issued December 1, 2018

22 September 2018 |

This document presents the revised Lighting Global Quality Standards for pico-solar products that will take effect on December 1, 2018. The revised standards, which now include requirements for ports and ...Read More

Conditional Pass Policy

31 August 2018 |

This document outlines the treatment of products that do not fully meet the Lighting Global Quality Standards due to an easy-to-fix issue that can be addressed without retesting. In cases ...Read More

Quality Matters

28 August 2018 |

In 2017, Lighting Global tested 17 top-selling, non-quality verified solar products from retail stores in Ethiopia, Kenya, Myanmar, Nigeria, and Tanzania. All 17 products failed to meet Lighting Global Quality ...Read More

Changes to Lighting Global testing: Transition to IEC 62257-9-5:2018 (ed.4)

18 August 2018 |

In June 2018 the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) published a new edition of the test methods used for testing solar products, IEC 62257-9-5:2018 (also written as IEC 62257-9-5 ed. 4). ...Read More

Madagascar Off-Grid Market Assessment Report

17 August 2018 |

Access to electricity in Madagascar is among the lowest in Africa. Grid extension is not economically viable due to the need for high capital expenditures coupled with the fact that ...Read More

Testing Process Overview

16 August 2018 | ,

This short brochure, available in both English and Chinese, describes the key steps involved to test a product through Lighting Global and provides a comparison of the different test methods ...Read More

Case Study: Developing the Solar Supply Chain in Ethiopia

16 August 2018 | ,

This case study outlines the key role of business development as a critical pillar of the Lighting Africa program across the countries we work in. Through training on best business ...Read More

Human Health: LED Lighting, Insects, and Wavelength

02 July 2018 |

This article examines the issue of insects attracted to lights in the nighttime environment and the risk to people from insects carrying diseases. A review of the current understanding is ...Read More

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