
Ethiopia – Market Intelligence Report

01 June 2013 |

This report outlines research findings of a study on the lighting products market in Ethiopia. The study looks at available lighting sources, consumption and expenditures, as well as consumer preferences ...Read More

Analysis of Household and Individual Lighting Consumption in Mali

01 June 2013 |

This report presents the findings of research into consumption and purchase patterns of solar lighting products by households in peri-urban and rural villages in Mali. The report finds that the ...Read More

Rapport Lighting Africa sur les tendances du marché 2012

01 April 2013 |

Ce rapport est une mise à jour du premier rapport intitule « L’éclairage solaire pour la base de la pyramide: panorama d’un marche émergent » de 2010 qui offrait un ...Read More

A Growing and Evolving Market for Off-grid Lighting (Kenya)

01 March 2013 |

This report is a snapshot of an African off-grid lighting market in transition. It builds on a baseline report completed three years prior in 2009 and shows market trends with ...Read More

Role of Financial Institutions in Solar Lighting Uptake by Women in Kenya

01 February 2013 |

This study looks at the role of financial institutions (FIs) in the uptake of solar lighting among women as consumers and entrepreneurs in Kenya. The key findings reveal that most ...Read More

Business and Financial Models for Women in the Uptake of Solar Lighting in Kenya

01 February 2013 |

This 2013 report by the Lighting Africa-Women Initiative outlines the challenges faced by women as consumers and as entrepreneurs of off-grid lighting products. Specifically it describes business models for women ...Read More

A Growing and Evolving Market for Off-grid Lighting: Market Presence in 3 Kenyan Towns

01 January 2013 |

This report focuses on the market presence of off-grid lighting products in three towns in Kenya. It is based on surveys and a field observation study that collected data about ...Read More

Household Lighting Fuel Costs in Kenya

This Market Intelligence Note presents empirical data from the 2005/06 Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey on the expenditure for lighting fuels and the adoption of solar home systems among Kenyan ...Read More

Rechargeable Battery Availability – Consumer access

01 September 2012 |

This Market Intelligence Note presents the findings of a 2011 field study documenting the availability of rechargeable batteries in various regions of five African countries. The intention is to inform ...Read More

Note de rapport de politique – Éthiopie

01 August 2012 |

Cette note est le résumé d’un rapport préparé par Lighting Africa en vue d’identifier les principales barrières politiques à l’adoption de produits et services d’éclairage moderne hors réseau en Éthiopie, ...Read More

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