Lighting Africa Policy Report Note – DRC
This note summarizes a report prepared by Lighting Africa to identify key policy barriers to the adoption of modern lighting products and services in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), ...Read More
Lighting Africa Policy Report Note – Ethiopia
This note summarizes a report prepared by Lighting Africa to identify key policy barriers to the adoption of modern off-grid lighting products and services in Ethiopia, and offers recommendations for ...Read More
Lighting Africa Policy Note – Cameroon
This note identifies key policy barriers to the adoption of modern off-grid lighting products in Cameroon, and offers recommendations for their mitigation. Key barriers include limited knowledge of off-grid lighting ...Read More
Note de rapport de politique – Cameroun
Cette note est le résumé d’un rapport préparé par Lighting Africa en vue d’identifier les principales barrières politiques à l’adoption de produits et services d’éclairage moderne au Cameroun, et propose ...Read More
LED Electronic Control Circuits for Off-grid Lighting Products
This Technical Note introduces basic concepts in electronic design for low power off-grid lighting products and suggests ways to improve power efficiency. It is intended for manufacturers and engineers.
Lighting Africa Newsletter, November 2011
This issue includes articles about Lighting Africa clearing the path for Carbon Finance, the Nuru Light (a modular, pedal-powered light), a student in Uganda using off-grid lighting for a phone ...Read More
Poster: Many types of quality-verified solar lighting products
This poster features various types of both solar lamps and solar lighting systems that have been quality verified by Lighting Africa.
Développer le rôle des femmes dans le marché de l’électricité hors réseau moderne en Afrique
Au niveau du ménage, les femmes bénéficieraient considérablement d’un meilleur éclairage et d’un meilleur accès à l’énergie. Les femmes entrepreneurs ont également beaucoup à y gagner ; l’éclairage moderne et ...Read More
Expanding Women’s Role in Africa’s Modern Off-Grid Lighting Market
This report focuses on women’s role in the expanding market for modern off-grid lighting. In the context of access to energy and lighting, the aim of this work is to ...Read More
Lighting Africa Newsletter, September 2011
This issue includes articles about the positive growth of the off-grid lighting sector in Africa, the launch of the Lighting Global Outstanding Product Awards 2012, innovative rural employers keeping pace ...Read More