
Household Lighting Fuel Costs in Kenya

This Market Intelligence Note presents empirical data from the 2005/06 Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey on the expenditure for lighting fuels and the adoption of solar home systems among Kenyan ...Read More

3rd International Off-Grid Lighting Conference and Trade Fair, Dakar, Senegal 2012

15 November 2012 |

Held November 13-15, 2012, in Dakar, Senegal, Lighting Africa’s third International Off-Grid Lighting Conference and Trade Fair reinforced its position as the premier global event on lighting and energy access. ...Read More

Rechargeable Battery Availability: Consumer Access

15 September 2012 |

This Market Intelligence Note presents the findings of a 2011 field study documenting the availability of rechargeable batteries in various regions of five African countries. The intention is to inform ...Read More

Lighting Africa Newsletter, September 2012

01 September 2012 |

This issue includes articles about four million people in Africa enjoying clean, better lighting, Lighting Africa conducting a training for retailers of solar lighting products in Liberia, maize farmers in ...Read More

Lighting Africa Donor Update, September 2012

01 September 2012 |

This donor update features program news including “Four million people in Africa now having clean lighting”, “Clean lighting initiatives applauded at the Rio+20 Summit for contribution towards the Sustainable Energy ...Read More

Battery Toxicity and Eco Product Design

01 September 2012 |

This is the first in a series of Eco Design Notes. It provides a comparison of the hazards associated with the types of batteries that are commonly used in off‐grid ...Read More

Rechargeable Battery Availability – Consumer access

01 September 2012 |

This Market Intelligence Note presents the findings of a 2011 field study documenting the availability of rechargeable batteries in various regions of five African countries. The intention is to inform ...Read More

La Lettre d’Information de Lighting Africa, septembre 2012

01 September 2012 |

Ce numéro comprend des articles sur quatre millions de personnes bénéficient d’un éclairage écologique grâce à un doublement de la croissance du marché de l’éclairage hors réseau, les agriculteurs de ...Read More

Note de rapport de politique – Éthiopie

01 August 2012 |

Cette note est le résumé d’un rapport préparé par Lighting Africa en vue d’identifier les principales barrières politiques à l’adoption de produits et services d’éclairage moderne hors réseau en Éthiopie, ...Read More

Songa Mbele na Solar: Campaign for Market Development and Behaviour Change

01 August 2012 | ,

The article, featured in MSK, is about the Lighting Africa consumer education campaign “Songa Mbele na Solar” (Get Ahead with Solar) and the Best Experiential Marketing Campaign Award that it ...Read More

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