
SolarAid Impact Report 2014

01 September 2014 |

This 2014 report outlines the objectives and the work done by Solar Aid, an international charity, which aims to increase access to solar lighting in Africa. SolarAid set up a ...Read More

IEC Technical Specification on Stand-­Alone Lighting Kits for Rural Electrification

01 September 2014 |

This Technical Note provides a summary of the Lighting Global Quality Assurance (QA) framework, how it relates to the IEC/TS 62257-­9-­5 document, and additional Technical and Eco Design Notes.

Changes to the Threshold to Meet the Battery Durability Test Requirement of the Lighting Global Minimum Quality Standards

01 September 2014 |

Over the past few years, the Lighting Global program developed and instituted the Battery Durability Storage Test in response to reports of battery failures in the market. As described in ...Read More

Lighting Global Associate Services Offering

Lighting Global Associate Services Offering

01 August 2014 |

The Lighting Global program offers product quality testing services to manufacturers and distributors of off-grid lighting products and appliances. After testing a product, companies can opt in to become “Associates” ...Read More

Energy and Carbon Benefits of Pico-powered Lighting

01 August 2014 |

The Eco Design Note reviews current research on the life cycle analysis of pico-powered lighting products and the reduction in climate warming emissions that occur when consumers switch from fuel ...Read More

South Sudan: Mapping the Supply Chain for Solar Lighting Products (2013)

01 July 2014 |

This study assesses the supply chain for off-grid lighting products in South Sudan. The study finds that market opportunities for solar lighting products are huge. However, these opportunities are not ...Read More

Lighting Asia Pakistan Program Profile

For the last decade, Pakistan has been in the grip of a severe energy crisis. More than 144 million people across the country do not have reliable access to the ...Read More

Accelerating Access to Energy, Shell Foundation

01 July 2014 |

Cooking, lighting and heating at home, for community services, or for improving the productivity of small businesses and farms.  Accelerating Access to Energy outlines our 14 year journey to create ...Read More

Lighting Asia Market Presence Report

24 June 2014 |

This study reflects the current market scenario of off grid lighting products in Bihar and Odisha, India. It reviews the presence of off grid lighting technologies in the retail supply ...Read More

Lux & Lumens: Light Measurement Metrics

01 June 2014 |

This Technical Note discusses issues related to the development of a consumer friendly light output metric. Reporting this information in a way that end users understand benefits the market by ...Read More

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