
Catalyzing Markets for Solar Lighting Products

15 November 2015 |

This brochure provides a brief overview of the Lighting Africa program, including its approach and history.

Quality Communication: Quality assurance in Kenya’s off-grid lighting market

Quality assurance (QA) is a core feature of Lighting Global’s support for the growing off-grid lighting market, and there is a recognized need for reliable information about product quality and ...Read More

Stakeholder Feedback on Draft Accelerated Verification Method

10 September 2015 |

Provides a summary of the full stakeholder feedback and responses from Lighting Global regarding the development of the Accelerated Verification Method (AVM).

Comparison of the Draft Lighting Global Solar Home System Kit Test Methods and IEC/TS 62257-9-5

02 September 2015 |

The Lighting Global Solar Home System Kit Test Methods are intended to assess solar home system (SHS) kits with peak power ratings greater than 10 W and up to 100 ...Read More

LED Lights and Eye Safety Part II: Blue light hazards

01 September 2015 |

This Eco Design Note continues a discussion of safety issues related to LED lights and the consumers who use them. Part II explores in more detail blue light hazards for ...Read More

Affiche : Les lampes solaires portatives, la solution lumineuse pour tous

31 August 2015 |

Cette affiche présentant différents types de lampes solaires et leurs avantages faisait partie d’une campagne d’éducation des consommateurs au Sénégal.

Spotlight Issue 1: The Case of the Crooked Agent

01 June 2015 |

This is the first issue in the “Spotlight” comic book series. Lighting Africa commissioned this series to be used as a consumer education tool that entertains as it teaches about the ...Read More

Spotlight: Le Cas De L’Agent Véreux

01 June 2015 |

Ceci est le premier numéro de la série de la bande dessinée « Spotlight ». Lighting Africa a commandé cette série afin qu’elle soit utilisée comme un outil de sensibilisation ...Read More

Integrating Sphere Measurement Part II – Calibration

01 June 2015 |

This Technical Note is Part II in a three-part series examining the proper maintenance and use of integrating sphere light measurement systems. This second Note covers calibrations and auxiliary measurements ...Read More

Video: Lighting Africa in Ethiopia: Dessa’s story

24 May 2015 |

This video highlights the example of one of Ethiopia’s 12 million households that live without grid electricity in Ethiopia. By switching from kerosene to solar energy, the parents benefit from ...Read More

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