
Lighting Africa Program Flyer

10 November 2017 |

A quick snapshot of why, how, and where, we do what we do.

Lighting Africa Program Brochure

This brochure provides a brief overview of the Lighting Africa program, including its approach and history. It replaces a previous version of the brochure published in 2015 to reflect new ...Read More

Deep Dive Supply Chain Report, Tanzania

01 November 2017 |

Launched in 2016, the overall goal of Lighting Africa/Tanzania is to contribute to the development of a commercial market for quality-verified solar lanterns and solar home systems (SHS). The target ...Read More

Delayed Listing Policy

02 October 2017 |

It is important to have all products that currently meet the Lighting Global Quality Standards listed on the Lighting Global website in order to provide a reliable resource to stakeholders ...Read More

Niger Tax Exemption Decree

Niger Tax Exemption Decree

01 October 2017 |

This is the tax exemption decree that went into effect in Niger in September 2017, waiving import taxes and VAT on all renewable energy products.

Lighting Global Impact Data June 2018

Lighting Global Impact Data June 2018

28 September 2017 |


Call for Comments on Proposal to Submit the Quality Standards to the IEC

18 May 2017 |

Since 2010, Lighting Global has maintained quality standards for off-grid solar products with modules smaller than approximately 10 peak watts (pico-solar products). These standards set a baseline level of quality, ...Read More

Co-Branding Policy

16 May 2017 |

It is common for off-grid lighting manufacturers to offer the same product branded by different companies.  Recognizing this fact, Lighting Global does not require completely independent testing of the same ...Read More

Lighting Global Test Methods for Ingress Protection for PV Modules

12 April 2017 |

This procedure measures the potential for water and solid objects to enter and damage or degrade solar photovoltaic (PV) module junction boxes. It is designed for reference by the Lighting ...Read More

Product Repair Part II: Manufacturer Best Practices

30 March 2017 |

This new Eco Design Note continues a discussion about product repair, focusing on steps that manufacturers can take to enable and encourage the repair of their products. The Note identifies ...Read More

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