
Executive Summary: 2018 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report

21 February 2018 |

The 2018 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report is the fourth report in a biennial series established over the past 8 years as the report of record for the off-grid ...Read More

2018 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report

The 2018 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report is the fourth report in a biennial series established over the past 8 years as the report of record for the off-grid ...Read More

Stakeholder Feedback on proposal to submit the Quality Standards to the IEC

19 December 2017 |

We thank everyone who provided feedback on our proposal to submit the Lighting Global Quality Standards for pico-solar products for adoption by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).  In June, we ...Read More

Off-grid Solar Market Assessment in Niger & Design of Market-based Solutions

17 December 2017 |

This report provides an assessment of the off-grid solar market in Niger, and makes recommendations for the design of market-based solutions. The report looks at selected customer segments, including private households, ...Read More

Avantages de l’harmonisation des méthodes de test et des normes de qualité

12 December 2017 |

Cette Note technique explique l’importance et les avantages de l’harmonisation au niveau international d’un cadre d’assurance qualité pour les produits solaires photovoltaïques de petite dimension, dits pico-photovoltaïques (pico-PV). Les avantages ...Read More

Benefits of Harmonizing Test Methods and Quality Standards

11 December 2017 | ,

As the worldwide demand for pico-PV products increases, internationally harmonized quality standards support sustainable market growth and ensure that consumers have access to reliable off-grid energy services. Lighting Global has ...Read More

USB Smartphone and Battery Charging

11 December 2017 |

This Technical Note discusses USB charge port specifications and how they apply to renewable energy products. It is intended as an introduction and resource for manufacturers and other industry stakeholders ...Read More

Regional Off-Grid Electrification Access Project (ROGEAP) Overview

06 December 2017 |

The Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP) – previously known as the Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (ROGEP) – aims to increase access to sustainable electricity services in the fifteen ECOWAS ...Read More

Case Study: Lighting Africa/Kenya’s Solar Lighting Entrepreneurs

Case Study: Lighting Africa/Kenya’s Solar Lighting Entrepreneurs

The World Bank and IFC jointly launched the Lighting Africa program, with the aim of providing modern lighting and energy products by 2030 to 250 million people who currently live ...Read More

CSR IN CLEAN ENERGY: What Are India’s Top Companies Up To?

This report analyses the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives of the top 100 companies (with the largest CSR spending from the BSE 500) with regards to promoting energy access.

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