Sales & Impact Data Report H2 2018

Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report

Every six months,  Lighting Global and GOGLA publish the Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report, a market intelligence series on sales and impact of off-grid solar lighting products, sold by GOGLA and Lighting Global affiliates. Since 2019, the report also includes sales numbers of off-grid appliances, in partnership with the Efficiency for Access Coalition.

July – December 2018 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report

  • Globally, we can report the sale of 3.9 million off-grid solar lighting products in the second half of 2018 with an installed stand-alone solar capacity of 32.39 MW worldwide.
  • Solar home systems continue to see an increase in sales. From July to December 2018, 480,000 solar home systems were sold by affiliates, a 77% increase compared to the same period in 2017 and a 133% increase compared to 2016.
  • Products sold via pay-as-you-go (PAYGo) recorded a 30% increase compared to the first half of 2018, reaching a volume of 950,000. Cash sales did not grow compared to the preceding period.
  • For the first time, the report looks into the sales of off-grid solar appliances, namely TVs, fans, refrigeration units and solar water pumps. It is important to highlight that the reported sales do not represent the whole global market for off-grid solar appliances.
  • In total, sales of 350,000 off-grid solar appliances were reported from July to December 2018, with TVs (160,000) and fans (180,000) being the most widely sold appliances according to the data collected.
  • The report also highlights the life-changing impact of off-grid solar. The most significant impact trend for the second half of 2018 is the increase in the number of people now benefiting from Tier 2 energy access as a result of the increasing sales of larger solar home systems, which has seen a boost of 33% compared to the first half of 2018. Close to 5 million people now have access to enough energy each day to power a range of appliances.
  • The impact figures are based on the sales numbers of off-grid solar lighting products only (solar lanterns, multi-light systems and solar home systems).

Register for our webinar on 25 June, at 2.30pm CEST to hear more about the data from the content team.
Explore country-level sales of off-grid solar lighting products for July-December 2018.

Resource Type: Market Analysis & Trends