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BLOG: Public Funding for Off-Grid Solar

…other milestones, has the advantage that the risk of failure is borne by the company rather than the funder, and is proven to be effective at incentivizing companies to enter…

Privacy Policy

…mission can be found at this link. Information about the World Bank can be found at this link. We are strongly committed to protecting privacy. Please review this Privacy Notice…

New Quality Standards Become Effective on January 1, 2014

…warranty of at least 12 months from time of purchase. For more information on this process and to download a document summarizing the updated minimum quality standards, please visit:…


…reflect changes to the survey questions in the underlying data. For further information and to send us your feedback on this tool, please answer a 3-minute survey here:  …

VIDEO: Sunshine Lights Up Papua New Guinea’s Future

…products in rural Papua New Guinea. With 300 days of sunshine in many parts of the country, there is great potential to harness solar power for businesses and households.…

Two more awards for Barefoot Power!

Barefoot Power was named Small Company of the Year at the Australian Sustainability Awards. The awards, organized by Ethical Investor took place in Melbourne, Australia, in December. The judges recognized…