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New Policy for Performance Reporting Requirements

…Standards)   For complete details and guidelines, please review the Performance Reporting Requirements policy. If you have questions on the policy, please review the stakeholder feedback document and/or contact….

VACANCY | Communications Consultant (China)

…research, and compile list of Chinese companies working in the photovoltaic industry relevant to Lighting Global; Developing lists of relevant business development opportunities to share with relevant audiences; Providing high-level…

Solar behavior change campaign underway

© Firdaus Kharas Nokero International , an Associate company of Lighting Africa, and award winning animation producer and director, Firdaus Kharas, have launched a multi-lingual mass communications campaign to spur…

Off-grid industry association comes to life

…off-grid lighting association brings together companies and organizations with a wealth of experiences in providing innovative yet affordable lighting solutions to communities without access to electricity. GOGLA’s seven key objectives:-…

微型太阳能产品质量标准 (Pico-PV Quality Standards)

点亮全球项目使用产品质量标准来保护消费者权益。产品质量标准针对离网照明产品设定了产品质量、耐用性和广告真实性的基准要求。该质量标准适用于最大功率10W的产品。[注:功率大于10W但不超过350W的产品应根据太阳能家用系统质量标准来评估。如果功率介于11-15W的产品因其他项目规定,而需要依照微型太阳能产品质量标准进行测试,每项测试将多使用两个样本进行评估,并且产品需要同时符合太阳能系统以及微型太阳能产品质量标准。] 产品是否符合质量标准是根据实验室检测结果来判定的。实验室采用点亮全球产品质量测试方法(QTM)对产品进行测试。该测试方法来自于国际电工委员会IEC最新版本的技术标准(Technical Specification)62257-9-5。符合质量标准的产品将得到标准产品规格表(Specifications Sheet)和证书(Verification Letter),并会被发布在点亮全球的网站上: 最新版本的质量标准可以从下面的链接下载。质量标准已经翻译成中文,但如果中文版本和英文版本有理解或释义上的出入,以英文版本为准。…