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Panasonic releases portable solar lantern

…charge mobile phones. Announced last October, the Panasonic Solar Lanternhas already won awards from the International Association for Universal Design (IAUD) and the Japan Institute of Design Promotion for its…

Women and Solar Lighting

© Andres Bifani/Lighting Africa 2012. Lighting Africa organized a stakeholder’s meeting in May 2013 in Nairobi, Kenya to explore the role of women in the modern solar lighting market. The…

De-risking Humanitarian Investments

…its peers, which guides the work of product designers and drives innovation. With relief aid transitioning toward development, it is imperative to consider how interventions influence markets. Deployment of cheaper,…

Lighting Africa Program Brochure

This brochure provides a brief overview of the Lighting Africa program, including its approach and history. It replaces a previous version of the brochure published in 2015 to reflect new

Creating Energy Choices for Refugees

Lighting Global has contributed to a new Shell Corporation publication which looks at energy choices for displaced people. The report estimates that in 2018, refugees and host communities spent roughly…

PAYG Insight Series: Sales Agent Network Management

…operational questions is at the center of managing agent networks,including: (i) how should companies allocate their agents to the market? (ii) how should companies compensate their salesforce? (iii) how should…