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LED Flashlights in the Kenyan Market

…field research with LED flashlight users in Kenya, almost 90% reported problems and dissatisfaction (Tracy, Jacobson, & Mills, 2009). In this report we document our laboratory performance testing of eight…

Pro-Poor End-User Subsidies

…Pro-Poor Results-Based Financing in Rwanda Creating a pipeline of ‘ready to fund and roll out’ country pilots: supporting country teams with guidance and expertise in developing and testing end user…

Azuri Technologies recognized for global sustainability role

…contribute towards a sustainable future. Azuri was granted use of “Nobel Sustainability supported Clean Tech Company 2012” in its marketing and communication materials. The company was recognized for its Indigo…

USB Charging Performance of Off-grid Products

…to assess the USB compatibility and charge times of product combinations. The testing demonstrated both successful charging performance and also identified problems that may occur when off-grid products are used…