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Product Sampling Policy

Goals and Rationale The Quality Testing Methodology (QTM) institutionalized through IEC/TS 62257-9-5 provides valuable third party information on product performance and quality to stakeholders across the value and decision chain…

LED Lights and Eye Safety Part II: Blue light hazards

…LEDs and incorporates additional safety testing procedures that have been published since the first Eco Design Safety Note. Some evaluation guidelines are provided for companies interested in self-testing their products….


…adopted by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC); product testing laboratories exist across the world including at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) lab in New Delhi, the first in South…

Using the I-V Curve to Measure Solar Module Performance

Lighting Global has released a new Technical Briefing Note, the 11th in the series, titled “Understanding Solar Modules Specs and Testing.” This Note discusses in detail how solar module performance…

Quality Assurance Update: June 2018

…of information on the product packaging and other consumer-facing information. We speculate that some instances of non-compliance may be due to internal disconnects within some producer companies; for example, technical…