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A Refugee Marketplace in Kenya

To highlight the types of opportunities that exist or might be possible for the private sector, IFC interviewed companies already operating in Kakuma camp and town or considering entering the…

BLOG | (Em)powering Farmers in Africa

…mid-sized and larger off-grid farms, but these appliances are typically not sized for small-scale farmers, and have other drawbacks including high pollution levels and high recurring costs. Fortunately, a new…


…22 million households end up spending a massive US$2.3 billion every year on alternative sources of power. However, unreliable and poor-quality lighting products limit productivity and waste money. The initiatives…

The Case for Quality Products

…to challenges demonstrating compliance with national standards. Certified products receive a verification letter that can be used to help demonstrate compliance with IEC TS 62257-9-8 and facilitate importation into certain…

Quality Assurance

Protecting Consumers …the up-front costs of a solar lantern – let alone a Solar Home System – are comparatively high, and most consumers simply cannot afford to purchase something that…


…services by 2030. To support this goal, the project will assist international and Myanmar-based companies in creating a sustainable market for high-quality off-grid energy solutions, including solar lanterns, solar home…