
Quality Assurance Resources for New Manufacturers

The Lighting Global Quality Standards and quality verification process form the internationally-recognized baseline for product quality and integrity that all market actors can trust. The Quality Standards define minimum requirements …Read More

The 2020 Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report

The 2020 Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report finds that the industry has made tremendous strides in the past decade. Since 2017, revenues from the off-grid solar industry continue to rapidly grow, increasing by 30 percent annually. To date, more than 180 million off-grid solar units have been sold worldwide and the sector saw $1.5 billion in investments since 2012.

Pico-PV Quality Standards

Lighting Global maintains the Quality Standards, a set of off-grid lighting benchmarks that set a baseline level of quality, durability, and truth-in-advertising to protect consumers. These Standards apply to products with …Read More

微型太阳能产品质量标准 (Pico-PV Quality Standards)

点亮全球项目使用产品质量标准来保护消费者权益。产品质量标准针对离网照明产品设定了产品质量、耐用性和广告真实性的基准要求。该质量标准适用于最大功率10W的产品。[注:功率大于10W但不超过350W的产品应根据太阳能家用系统质量标准来评估。如果功率介于11-15W的产品因其他项目规定,而需要依照微型太阳能产品质量标准进行测试,每项测试将多使用两个样本进行评估,并且产品需要同时符合太阳能系统以及微型太阳能产品质量标准。] 产品是否符合质量标准是根据实验室检测结果来判定的。实验室采用点亮全球产品质量测试方法(QTM)对产品进行测试。该测试方法来自于国际电工委员会IEC最新版本的技术标准(Technical Specification)62257-9-5。符合质量标准的产品将得到标准产品规格表(Specifications Sheet)和证书(Verification Letter),并会被发布在点亮全球的网站上: 最新版本的质量标准可以从下面的链接下载。质量标准已经翻译成中文,但如果中文版本和英文版本有理解或释义上的出入,以英文版本为准。

Solar Home System Kit Quality Standards

This document describes the Quality Standards for Solar Home System Kits, which set a baseline level of quality, durability, and truth in advertising to protect consumers. Kits covered by these …Read More

太阳能家用系统质量标准 (Solar Home System Kit Quality Standards)

本文件描述了家用太阳能系统的质量标准。该质量标准设定了产品质量、耐用性和广告真实性的基准要求,以保护消费者权益。该质量标准覆盖的太阳能系统必须最大功率不超过350W, 直流电压不超过35V。[注:功率小于10W的产品应根据微型太阳能产品质量标准来评估。 如果功率介于11-15W的产品因其他项目规定,而需要依照微型太阳能产品质量标准进行测试,每项测试将多使用两个样本进行评估,并且产品需要同时符合太阳能系统以及微型太阳能产品质量标准。] 产品是否符合质量标准是根据实验室检测结果来判定的。实验室采用点亮全球家用太阳能系统质量测试方法(QTM)对产品进行测试。符合质量标准的产品将得到标准产品规格表(Specifications Sheet)和证书(Verification Letter),并会被发布在点亮全球的网站上: products. 最新版本的质量标准可以从下面的链接下载。质量标准已经翻译成中文,但如果中文版本和英文版本有理解或释义上的出入,以英文版本为准。

Testing Process Overview

This short brochure, available in both English and Chinese, describes the key steps involved to test a product through Lighting Global and provides a comparison of the different test methods …Read More