
Solar lamps light up Mafia Island

After a successful project to increase students’ access to better quality studying light last year, the NGO Solar Aid is back to Tanzania’s Mafia Island. Solar Aid  initiated a second …Read More

Market Check Testing Policy Notice

Lighting Africa has developed and released a new policy that outlines the procedure for randomly and anonymously conducting market check tests to verify the quality and performance of off-grid products …Read More

Impact: Solar Lanterns in the Philippines

A distributor of the SunTransfer2  (ST2) solar lamp in rural Philippines, solarenergie.org.ph/network” target=”_blank”>Hybrid Social Solutions inc  (HSSi) has undertaken a social impact assessment of the solar lamp with illuminating findings. …Read More

Better light for more people

Nearly 600 million people in Africa – about 70 percent of the population – lack electricity and rely on expensive and polluting lighting sources such as kerosene lamps and candles. Thanks to …Read More